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Licenca za Windows 10 Pro 64-bit
Cena dostave:
- po predračunu: 3,99 €
- po povzetju: 5,99 €
- nad 70kg: 12,99 €
Možnost osebnega prevzema vsak delavnik med 8. in 16. uro po dogovoru na naslovu Stegne 31, 1000 Ljubljana.
Izdelka ne morete naročiti, ker ga nimamo zalogi.
Prosimo, pošljite nam povpraševanje. Hvala za razumevanje.
€ je izdelek drugje cenejši?
Oddajte povpraševanje za zadnjo ceno.
- Potrošnik ima pravico, da v 14 dneh od prevzema blaga podjetju sporoči (na kontaktni e-naslov info@vsezadom.si), da odstopa od pogodbe, ne da bi mu bilo treba navesti razlog za svojo odločitev. Edini strošek, ki bremeni potrošnika v zvezi z odstopom od pogodbe, je strošek vračila blaga. Blago je potrebno vrniti prodajalcu najkasneje v roku 30 dni od oddanega sporočila o odstopu od pogodbe (nakupa). Preberite več ...
Windows 10 Pro -- Product Detail Page – Toolkit
Windows 10 Pro – 2D Preorder
Short description
With Windows 10 Pro, you’ve got a great business partner. Get faster start-ups, a familiar yet expanded Start menu, and great new ways to get stuff done, plus innovative features like an all-new browser built for online action and Cortana, the more personal digital assistant.* Windows 10 Pro offers all the great features of Windows 10 Home, plus important business functionality for encryption, remote log-in, creating virtual machines, and more.
* Cortana available in select markets at launch; experience may vary by region and device.
Box shot Requirements:
- Windows 10 Pro: For Pre-order purposes, the Windows 10 2D box shot is recommended for use. Note: For FPP / ESD release, please update the box shots and follow the guidance for ESD / FPP.
Windows 10. Do great things.
- The Start menu is back and better than ever so you can expand and customize it.
- Fast and responsive. Technologies like InstantGo* let you boot up and resume quickly.
- Cortana** is the personal assistant who learns over time to become more useful to you.
- Touch, type, pen***. Choose what works best for what you’re doing.
- Windows 10 comes with apps – Photos, Maps, Music Video and more – that work across your devices.
- Write or type directly on web pages and easily share the mark-ups with friends.
- Snap up to four apps on the screen and create new desktops for more space.
- Join your business or school domain for easy access to network files, servers, and printers.
- Enhanced security with BitLocker data encryption and protection.
- Login with Remote Desktop and create virtual machines with Hyper-V.
* Hardware dependent.
** Cortana experience may vary by device.
*** Hardware dependent.
System requirements
- 1 GHz processor or faster
- 1 GB RAM for 32-bit; 2 GB for 64-bit
- Up to 20 GB available hard disk space
- 800 x 600 screen resolution or higher
- DirectX® 9 graphics processor with WDDM driver
- Internet access (fees may apply)
- Microsoft account required for some features
- Watching DVDs requires separate playback software
- You must accept the enclosed License Terms, also at microsoft.com/useterms. Activation required Single license 32 & 64-bits on USB 3.0 included
This is a full version of Windows 10 Pro; we recommend you back up your files before installing. If you’re running Windows 7 SP1 or 8.1 Update, visit windows.com/windows10upgrade for a limited time free upgrade to Windows 10; your files will easily transfer. Windows Media Center is not available in Windows 10. Apps and features may vary by market. Updates are automatically enabled during support period; additional requirements will apply over time. Some features such as touch may require a new device. To check for compatibility, support period, and other important installation information, visit your device manufacturer's website and windows.com/windows10specs.
Downloading Windows 10 Pro over a metered Internet connection
(This section is only shown on the Download version of Windows 10 Pro Full Version)
A metered Internet connection is when a service provider charges by the amount of data sent and received by your PC. Windows 10 Pro is a large file: about 3 GB. Before you start the download on a metered Internet connection, be sure to:
- Check your current usage, and then figure out if this download might result in additional charges.
- Allow enough time for the download to finish. Most people with a broadband Internet connection complete the download in an hour or two, but download times will vary based on your connection speed and other factors.
Tehnične lastnosti
Kratek Opis | Win Pro 10 64Bit 1pk DSP OEI yes |
Ime nabora programske opreme | Operativni sistemi |
Lokalizacija | Angleščina, mednarodno |
Distribucijski medij | OEM |
Garancija v Sloveniji | Da |
Trajanje garancije (meseci) | 99999 mesecev |
Pogoji za uveljavljanje garancije | Serijska številka |
Bruto teža paketa (kg) | 0.055 kg |
Neto teža (kg) | 0.04 kg |
Število kosov v paketu | 1 |
Bruto teža škatle (kg) | 0.15 kg |
Paketov v škatli | 1 |
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